Containment Fiction
AOE: Anomalous Object Entry
AOE-12321 — Codename: A Slow Death
Anomalous Object Entry
Object Severity
Containment Difficulty
Containment Status
Uncontained / Informational
Containment Specifications
A widespread data search for [DATA REDACTED] that involves all available information must occur in the years leading up to [DATA REDACTED]. These efforts are to be upregulated near and upon that date, under the direction and purview of the Tactical Containment & Coordination Unit employed at that time. Upon discovery, this individual must be confiscated. Any parent(s) or family present must be amnesticized. A simultaneous memotic transplant is to be performed for each of these individuals that will install the memories of an inpatient stay for a mild, but rare infectious process. Embedded hospital personnel will ensure that the newborn is obtained covertly and delivered to the appropriate containment specifications, detailed elsewhere.
AOE-12321 will not pass through populated areas, and is unlikely to according to demography and models of population distribution. Future developments of new urban or suburban areas are nonetheless to be monitored in the Pacific Northwest and potentially portions of Canada with respect to AOE-12321's trajectory. Any objects or persons potentially intercepting AOE-12321 are to be deterred by suggestion, threats, or physical displacement. Informational concealment is to be addressed if and when necessary.
AOE-12321 is the designation given to a fired 9×19mm Parabellum caliber bullet. The bullet is made of lead and was previously cased in brass, apparent from collected shavings. The bullet is hollow-point, semi-jacketed, and 120 grain. It features no indication of producer or a date of manufacture.
Anomalous Properties
AOE-12321 is currently suspended in air and moving at an anomalous speed of 25 meters per day (~0.0006 miles per hour, or about six orders of magnitude slower than a typical 9mm bullet). AOE-12321 maintains its angular momentum and completes a rotation every 2 hours. It remains gyroscopically stabilized despite any external application of force. AOE-12321 is currently at 1.7 meters above the ground (near the average height for an adult male) and is traveling northwest across the Mojave Desert in central California, USA.
AOE-12321 is impervious to material interruption. AOE-12321’s course or velocity will not be modified by any interaction with any object placed in its way, nor will it suffer any terminal ballistics, such as splitting or mushrooming. Matter placed in AOE-12321’s pathway will be damaged disproportionate to the bullet’s apparent kinetic energy, making it potentially lethal.
Due to its anomalous properties, the bullet can be analyzed in detail. Scoring imparted onto the bullet’s jacket suggests that the barrel from which AOE-12321 was fired had a unique polygonal rifling pattern. This pattern does not match any known design, and upon reproduction, results in improved accuracy and range. If its current drag factor (the gradual reduction in velocity and altitude due to air resistance, nearly negligible) is taken to be proportional to the drag experienced by a 9mm cartridge of average muzzle velocity (1645 kph), and extrapolated over the amount of time that it has been observed, AOE-12321 is calculated to have been fired approximately 30 years ago.
Several machined inscriptions are upon the bullet that must be read with magnification. These identify an individual [DATA REDACTED], along with a date of birth [DATA REDACTED], a blood type (AB+), and a number (4,323,402).